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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Style sheet

Articles will be sent in electronic format, in Microsoft Word (.doc).

The maximum length of the articles will be 25 pages (Times New Roman 12, spacing 1'5), including abstracts (in English and Spanish), bibliography and notes (footnotes).

2. Data of the author in the article
At the beginning of the article they will be included in this order:

Name and surname of the author (Times New Roman 12), placed at the top of the page on the left, without indentation.
Institution where the author works (Times New Roman 12, italics), just below the name and surname, without space.
Title of the article in Spanish (Times New Roman 14, bold, lower case), centered.
Title of the article in English (Times New Roman 14, bold, lowercase), centered, below the title in Spanish with a space between them.
Summary in Spanish of max. 200 words (Times New Roman 10), justified, leaving a space after the title in English. [p.g. eg: Abstract: This article…]
Keywords in Spanish (5 words separated by commas), justified, without space with respect to the abstract. [p.g. eg: Keywords: Latin American literature, modernism…]
Summary in English of max. 200 words (Times New Roman 10) justified, without space with respect to the keywords in Spanish. [p.g. eg: Abstract: This article aims to…]
Keywords in English (5 words separated by commas), justified, without space with respect to the abstract. (eg: Keywords: Latin-American Literature, Modernism…]

3. Text

The font of the text will be Times New Roman of 12 points and spacing of 1.5.
Footnotes will appear consecutively, with Times New Roman 10 point font and 1 spacing.
Pages should not be numbered.
For foreign expressions italics will be used.
Indentation in the first line of a new paragraph: 0.5 cm.
Subtitles and epigraph titles: 12 pts. Times New Roman, bold, with a space from the previous paragraph.
Citations in a separate paragraph: 11 pts. Times New Roman. Left justified at 0.5 cm. no indentation Simple line spacing, with a space with respect to the previous paragraph and another with respect to the subsequent one.
Footnotes: 10 pts. Times New Roman. Single spacing.
The bold type will only be used in the epigraphs of the article (titles or subtitles and Bibliography at the end of the article).

4. Citations and bibliographical references

An epigraph with the title Bibliography (in bold) will be added at the end of the article.

―Bibliographical references of up to three lines maximum are integrated into the body of the text, between tall quotation marks [“”], with a period after the parentheses:


“xxxxxxxxxxxx” (Dilthey 2007: 192).

―This same criterion will be applied in footnotes, regardless of the length of the citation.

―References of more than three lines will be introduced in a separate paragraph, separated from the adjoining paragraphs by a space above and another below, without indentation, justified in the left margin at 0.5 cm, Times New Roman 11 font, introducing parentheses. with the bibliographic information after the full stop of the citation:

Ex: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



xxxx. (Gómez Redondo 1996: 640)

―The flown note that indicates the footnote will go before the point and/or after the quotation marks/parentheses

Ex: xxxxxxxxxx1.

Ex: “xxxxxxxxxxxx”2.

Ex: “xxxxxxxxxxx” (Machado 1987: 4)3.

― Use of confront/see

a) In body: between parentheses and using cf. (on italic)

Eg: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (cf. Eco 1988: 34).

Eg: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (cf. Machado 1987 and Ruiz Pérez 1989)

*If in cf. Between parentheses that include several authors, specific pages are specified, move to a footnote (as in the following example from See):

b) In a footnote: See/See

Ex: See Eco (1988: 34).

Example: See Machado (1987: 4), Eco (1988: 34) and Ruiz Pérez (1989: 3).


5. Use of quotation marks, slashes, dashes and other aspects:

-Quotation marks:

a) As a general rule, high quotation marks [""] are used, which will always go before semicolons.

b) In case of quotes inside quotes, single quotes [''] are used:

Example: “xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ‘xxxxxxxxx’ xxxxx” (Sierra 2007: 32).

c) Single quotes [''] are also used in the case of non-foreign expressions that are not quotes but that the author considers relevant to underline through this means.

Ex: "it is, needless to say, 'the one-armed from Lepanto', that is, Cervantes"; "Imagination was considered 'the crazy house' at that time."


Before and after the introduction of the slash, a space should be left as a general rule, except in the case of dichotomies and the like:

Ex: xxxxxxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ex: solid/liquid, energetic/energetic


For subsections, comments and dialogue entries quoted from novels, use hyphen [―] instead of hyphen [-] or hyphen [–]:

Ex: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ―xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx― xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

― Passages omitted in the text: with square brackets […], without periods, commas or ellipses before or after them.

For example: "it reflects the effects of globalization, migration, nomadism, tourism, the Internet, mobile telephony [...] interacting with the enormous and fascinating potential offered by new information technologies" (2007: 32).

― Foreign words, Latinisms or technical terms in italics.

Ex: contemptus mundi, avant la lettre, crack-up…

―Neither bold nor underlining will be used in the body of the text, except in the case of subtitles, as well as in tables, diagrams or the like, as long as it is absolutely necessary in the latter case.

6. Bibliography

a.1.) Book with one author / editor:

Print book

―LAST NAME, First Name (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


BAUMAN, Zygmunt (1999). Modernidad líquida. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.


 ― LAST NAME, First Name (Year). Title of Book. [Type of e-book]. Place of publication: Publisher.


GUEBEL, Daniel (2023). El rey y el filósofo. [EPub]. Buenos Aires: Random House.

Collective book with editor

― LAST NAME, First Name (Ed.) (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, Javier (Ed.) (2020). Intersecciones. Relaciones de la Literatura y la Teoría. Oviedo: Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo.

a.2.) Book with multiple authors / editors

―LAST NAME, First Name; LAST NAME, First Name (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


BAUMAN, Zygmunt; DONSKIS, Leonidas (2019). Maldad líquida. México: Paidós.

―LAST NAME, First Name; LAST NAME, First Name (Eds.) (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


FERNÁNDEZ PRIETO, Celia; HERMOSILLA, Mª Ángeles (Eds.) (2004). Autobiografía en España: un balance. Madrid: Visor.

If it is a reference with more than two authors, the following format will be used:

―LAST NAME, First Name; LAST NAME, First Name et al. (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


LOUREDA LAMAS, Óscar; MORENO FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco et al. (2020). Demolingüística del español en Alemania. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes.

―LAST NAME, First Name; LAST NAME, First Name et al. (Eds.) (Year). Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher.


CELMA VALERO, María Pilar; HEIKEL, Susana et al. (Eds.) (2014). Actas del coloquio Internacional de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa.

The same format will be used in the case of book chapters and articles published in journals or monographs with more than two authors.

a.3.) Translated book 

―LAST NAME, First Name (Year). Title of Book. Translated by Translator’s First Name Last Name. Place of publication: Publisher.


ANDERSON, Jon Lee (2009). El dictador, los demonios y otras crónicas. Prólogo de Juan Villoro. Traducción de Antonio-Prometeo Moya. Barcelona: Anagrama.

b) Book chapter 

―LAST NAME, First Name (Year). “Title of Chapter”. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, page range.

DERRIDA, Jacques (1984). “Kafka: Ante la ley”. La filosofía como institución. Barcelona: Juan Granica, 95-144.

c) Article in monograph, proceeding papers or collective work:

―LAST NAME, First Name (Year). “Title of Article”. En First Name LAST NAME (Ed./Eds.), Title of Volume. Place of publication: Publisher, page range.


GÓMEZ REDONDO, Fernando (1996). “Armonía y diseño formal en la Oda a la vida retirada”. En Víctor GARCÍA DE LA CONCHA y Javier SAN JOSÉ LERA (Eds.), Fray Luis de León. Historia, humanismo y letras. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 639-647.

TORRES, Bénédicte; ESTELA-GUILLEMONT, Michèle (2008). “Algunas consideraciones acerca de la violencia en el Quijote”. En Alexia DOTRAS BRAVO; José Manuel LUCÍA MEGÍAS et al. (Eds.), Tus obras los rincones de la tierra descubren. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Alcalá de Henares: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 719-745.

BATLLORI, Montserrat; GIBERT-SOTELO, Elisabeth et al. (2018). “Cambios aspectuales en la evolución de los verbos psicológicos del español”. En María Luisa ARNAL PURROY; Rosa María CASTAÑER MARTÍN et. al. (Eds.), Actas del X Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Volumen 1. Zaragoza: Cometa, 497-512.

d) Article in journal:

―LAST NAME, First Name (Year). “Title of Article”. Title of Journal, Volume Number (Issue Number), page range.


LAPESA, Rafael (1976). “Garcilaso y Fray Luis de León: coincidencias temáticas y contraste de actitudes”. Archivum, 26, 7-17.

IBARRA-RIUS, Noelia; BALLESTER-ROCA, Josep (2016). “Literatura y cultura para una didáctica intercultural del español como lengua extranjera (ELE)”. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 43(3), 117-130.

e) Web publication:

― LAST NAME, First Name (Date of the article). “Title of Article”. Title of Newspaper. https://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Date of Access]


HORIA, Vintilă (4 de julio de 1974). “Almuerzo homenaje al marqués de Valdeiglesias”. ABC. [17/08/2016]

— LAST NAME, First Name (Date of the article). “Title of Article”. Title of Website. https://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Date of Access]


SANZ, Javier (8 de julio de 2015). “¿Sabes la diferencia entre piratas, corsarios, bucaneros y filibusteros?”. Historias de la Historia. La historia contada de otra forma. [12/07/2023]

f) Audiovisual media:

—LAST NAME, First Name [User name on YouTube]. (Date published or posted). Title of Video [Video File, running time]. YouTube.


FUNDACIÓN GUSTAVO BUENO [fgbuenotv]. (11 de enero de 2021). David Alvargonzález – La idea de artes sustantivas. Lección en la Escuela de Filosofía de Oviedo [Archivo de Vídeo, 2h45m]. YouTube.

g) Images: In the event that the use of images / photos is considered necessary, the corresponding reference must be included under the photo and it is also necessary to have the reproduction permission.



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