Journal policies

1. Focus and Scope

Colindancias is an annual journal published by Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central since 2010.

The journal publishes original and unpublished articles in Spanish on topics related to the Hispanic area in the fields of literature, culture and civilization, linguistics, translation and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

The journal is also a place for the dissemination of comparative studies and articles dealing with cultural transfers between Spanish-speaking countries and those of Central and Eastern Europe.

The articles in Colindancias are organized in several sections:

  • LOGOTHETES (literature);
  • GLOSSOPHILOS (linguistics);
  • DIDAKTIKON (didactics);
  • EISAGOGÉ (cultural transfers);
  • AION (history, culture and civilization);
  • ANTHROPOS (anthropology);
  • METAPHORA (stylistics);
  • SYMPOSION (academic interviews or oustanding research articles);
  • KRITES (reviews of books, publications, thematic issues, internet portals or databases, etc. produced by researchers in the Hispanic field and published less than 4 years from the date of publication of the respective issue of the journal).

Articles dealing with topics other than those mentioned above are published in the SYNOPSIS section.

2. Section Policies


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions   Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer Reviewed


ComprobadoOpen Submissions    Comprobado Indexed    Comprobado Peer Reviewed   

3. Peer Review Process

The evaluation of the submitted papers will be conducted anonymously by international academic peers, under the double-blind mode. The editorial committee and the scientific committee will select the articles based on their quality (originality, relevance, timeliness, clarity and erudition). The evaluators will provide adequate reasons for their opinions and will issue their evaluation reports within an estimated period of three weeks. Based on the opinions of the evaluators, the editorial committee will declare the articles accepted and notify the authors of any necessary modifications for their publication. In the case of receiving two negative reports, the articles submitted to arbitration will be rejected and the authors will be duly informed. In the event of a tie, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, whose reading will determine the acceptance or rejection of the article submitted to the evaluation process.

The selection of the most competent specialists for the evaluation of the articles submitted is a priority for our editorial team. The evaluators become members of the scientific committee for the issue in which they have collaborated.

Colindancias reserves the right not to send for evaluation those papers that do not comply with the rules indicated in the “Guidelines for authors”. Likewise, it reserves the right to make modifications of form in the original accepted text.

4. Open Access Policy

Colindancias has an Open Access policy and provides immediate free access to its content. There are no registration fees or any other fees charged to authors. Management and coordination of the journal are not a profit for the editorial team.

5. Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The journal Colindancias adheres to the international standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at:

The journal expressly disclaims any liability that may arise from ethical malpractice on the part of the authors.

The journal is not obliged to publish retractions or modify previously published information, unless the erratum is the responsibility of the editors.

You can find here all the information.

6. Anti-Plagiarism Policy

In order to verify that the articles submitted are original and have not been published before, all papers received will be monitored through an online search and through plagiarism detection software. Urkund anti-plagiarism software will be used:

The submission of articles implies that the authors explicitly declare that they are the original authors of the texts submitted for evaluation and that, in the case of having used other authors’ works in their writing, either completely or partially, they are in possession of the appropriate authorizations or licenses for use.

7. Copyright

The journal Colindancias is registered under the Creative Commons license, therefore:

1. The authors will retain their copyright and guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work. This right will be simultaneously subject to the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows third parties to share, distribute and publicly communicate in digital format the work, as long as the author is indicated and the first publication in this journal is specified.

2. Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for the distribution of the published version of the work (e.g., deposit it in an institutional telematic archive or publish it in a monographic volume), as long as the initial publication in this journal is indicated.

3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their work through the Internet (e.g., in institutional telematic archives or on their web page) before and during the submission process, which can produce interesting exchanges and increase citations of the published work (See The effect of open acces and downloads on citation impact).

4. The journal does not retain the rights over the published works and their contents are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, who retain their moral, intellectual, privacy and publicity rights.

8. Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.