Pictures of customs in Bosnian Sephardic literature – Laura Papo Bohoreta-
In this article the author presents and analyzes some significant aspects of the short story written in Judaeo-Spanish in Bosnia. The author takes into consideration some texts published in the newspapers Jevrejski život (Jewish Life) and Jevrejski glas (Jewish voice) between 1924 and 1932. The reflections and debates on Judaeo-Spanish language as the basis of the cultural identity of the Sephardim, the position and attitude of the intellectuals, as also the topics covered in the costumbrism short stories, the strong local color that characterizes them, the aesthetical intention of the authors are some of the issues. The author particularly pays attention to the writer Laura Papo Bohoreta and delves reading of three costumbrism short stories: Morena, Linda-Rikordo de Orijente, Dulse de rozas. The transcription of the original version of Dulse de rozas (1932) is published for the first time.