Travel, tourism and politics in the work of Julio Cortázar



Beyond their literary value, the works of Cortázar also represent a social testament to the transformation of the West during the mid-20th century. This paper comments upon Cortázar’s attitude regarding the phenomenon of tourism, seen as an adulteration of the Romantic concept of travelling with formative or regenerative purposes. Some of his short stories, such as “La barca o Nueva visita a Venecia” and “Vientos alisios”, express the vulgarization of the space of alterity due to the tourism industry, which makes travellers incapable of understanding a foreign reality and of escaping the limits of their own prejudices. However, the same phenomenon can be noticed if one reads the book Nicaragua tan violentamente dulce as a diary penned by a writer brought up in the paradigm of high culture, who cannot understand the political transformation of Nicaragua except as a realization of the utopian state of the artist.

Author Biography

Ilinca Ilian Țăranu, Universidad de Oeste de Timișoara

Ilinca Ilian Țăranu es profesora titular de la Universidad de Oeste de Timişoara (Rumanía) y doctora en literatura comparada con una tesis sobre Julio Cortázar. Fue profesora invitada por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México) en 2001-2002 y enseñó en la Universidad Paul Valéry de Montpellier (2004-2006). Es ganadora de varios premios nacionales de traducción y crítica literaria. Promueve y coordina los intercambios académicos entre varias universidades de la Europa Central y del Sureste. Entre sus traducciones destaca Rayuela de Julio Cortázar y Altazor de Vicente Huidobro.




