Bad woman? sexism in the lexicographical definition



This article analyses the problem of sexism in the lexical definitions in dictionaries, in six Romance languages. The objects of our analysis are the dictionary entries for ‘man’ and ‘woman’ in six languages, more exactly Sp. hombre-mujer; Fr. homme-femme; Port. homem-mulher; It. uomodonna; Cat. home-dona, Rom. bărbat-femeie. According to previous studies, “the lexicographer’s sexist attitude” has been identified as the cause of the inequality of the lexical definitions for ‘man’ and ‘woman’ in Spanish. By extending the research to the latest edition of the dictionary edited by the Royal Spanish Academy, as well as the most representative dictionaries of the six Romance languages, we argue that sexism in lexicographic definitions does not reflect the sexist attitude of the lexicographer, but the actual social attitude. Moreover, we also analyse the different structures of the two notions, in spite of the close relation shared by the languages in question.

Author Biography

Mihai Enăchescu, Universidad de Bucarest Rumanía

es profesor titular de lingüística románica y lingüística española (fonética y fonología, morfología) del Departamento de Lingüística Románica, lenguas y Literaturas Iberrománicas e Italiano de la Universidad de Bucarest. Es doctor en filología con la tesis ‘Homo’ - ‘vir’ -‘mulier’ en latín y en las lenguas románicas, publicada en 2012 por la Editorial de la Universidad de Bucarest. Sus áreas de interés cubren la lingüística diacrónica y comparada románica, la semántica y lexicología románicas y se han concretizado en varios artículos publicados en Rumanía y en el extranjero.



