The use of the verbal form ending in -re in the restrictive relative clauses of the Compendio de la destruyción de España



Since its formation, the future of the subjunctive shows a restricted syntactic distribution by not co-occuring in independent sentences and by being associated only with certain types of subordinate sentences, such as conditional, temporary, locative, modal and relative. Among the latter, only the restrictive relative clauses are oriented towards the future, and the use of the verbal form ending in -re will show a special validity until the first half of the 17th century. The objective of the present study is, then, to examine the considerations that have emerged until now about the distributional restriction of amare and ame in the restrictive clauses. For this purpose, some examples will be extracted as a starting point from our corpus in order to provide a contribution as accurate as possible to the use of the future of subjunctive within this type of subordinates during the 17th century.

Author Biography

Ildikó Péter, Universidad de Szeged


Ildikó Péter es licenciada en filología hispánica por la Universidad de Szeged (2018). Actualmente cursa estudios de doctorado en la misma  universidad. Sus investigaciones están orientadas hacia la sintaxis histórica del español con atención especial a la evolución diacrónica del futuro de subjuntivo.



