Escape Room as a Gamification Proposal for Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language


  • Roxana Gaiţă


teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, flow, motivation, narrative, feedback


An escape room is a gamification technique that consists of confronting a group of students with an imaginary confinement situation. During this educational session, students must work as a team and use their reasoning, knowledge, and skills to solve puzzles and challenges related to the curriculum contents in a limited time. This study examines the impact of an escape room on the learning, motivation, classroom climate, behavior, and general satisfaction of second-year students, enrolled at the West University of Timişoara, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Spanish language specialization. In carrying out this experiment, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used and the results showed a significant improvement in classroom participation, flow, sense of well-being, autonomy, and loss of track of time and supported the conclusion that the use of the escape room is fun and motivating for students and facilitates the acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language.

Author Biography

Roxana Gaiţă es licenciada de la carrera de Traducción e Interpretariado de la Universidad de Timişoara, realizó un Máster de Estudios Románicos en la misma universidad y actualmente continúa sus estudios de doctorado en su alma mater, donde también imparte clases de ELE. Su investigaciones se centran en la eficacia de la aplicación de la gamificación en el entorno educativo.




