What remains of a life. Demolition and self-love in "El nido de la serpiente" by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez



From the selfwritting perspective, and specifically from the autofiction, and following the processes of self-figuration and the experience of intimacy, I’m interested in working El nido de la serpiente by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez from the following hypothesis: in a moral depravation state and economical despair, Gutiérrez proposes an ethic and esthetic self-fabrication, constructing himself form behalf his souvenirs, down in the abysms, out in the margins. He must think about a survival ethic that allows him to find some balance between what his life in the island offers and what he wants to be. Paradoxically, in the search for the balance operation, the survival movement makes him to vanish, gets him out of himself, and puts him in the margins.

Author Biography

Julia Musitano, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, CONICET

Es becaria en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y editora asistente de la Revista Badebec.



