Rosario Scissors in a parallel world. A reading of "Era lunes cuando cayó del cielo" by Juan Diego Mejía



The purpose of the article is a parallel reading of two Colombian novels: Rosario Tijeras (1999) by Jorge Franco Ramos and Era lunes cuando cayó del cielo (2008) by Juan Diego Mejía. The second one, much less known and also much less successful artistically, to a certain degree can be read as an alternative version of Rosario Tijeras. At the same time, emphasizing the parallelisms and analogies between both female protagonists, we propose a reflection concerning the development of the sicaresca novel in Colombia.

Author Biography

Adriana Sara Jastrzębska, Universidad de Bielsko-Biała

Doctora en Humanidades (2007) por la Universidad Jaguelónica de Cracovia. Desde 2008 es profesora adjunta y desde 2015 es la directora de la Cátedra de Filología Hispánica de Universidad de Bielsko-Biała (Polonia).



