María Zambrano and Teresa Pàmies: two different visions of exile


  • Daniela Natale Universita di Sannio


María Zambrano and Teresa Pàmies were two politically committed writers who, with their autobiographical works, contributed to the formation of a poetics of exile. What binds them together is their use of writing as the voice of the España peregrina’s experience. But how different their ways of writing are, as well as their exiles and returns from exile. In spite of the nearly apposite motivations, styles and purposes, that characterize Zambrano’s historical reflection, and Pàmies’s political affiliation, a subtle thread binds them. They both are committed writers that had to fight to
find a place of their own in mainly masculine fields, such as philosophy and journalism, and used their writing to recompose their identity and give coherence to their lives, transforming history or rather the histories into short stories or novels, bearing witness to future generations to their commitment to the time they lived in.

Author Biography

Daniela Natale, Universita di Sannio

Profesora contratada de la Universidad del Sannio y de la Seconda Università di Napoli. Licenciada en Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras (español e inglés), por la Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale (Título de la Tesis de licenciatura en literatura española: “Modelli e pratiche romanzesche in Valera, tra rifacimento e creazione. Il Dafni e Cloe come sottofondo di Pepita Jiménez”) y doctora en Literaturas Comparadas por la Università Roma Tre. Título de la tesis doctoral: “Tangeri, un tema o un mito? Studio sulla narrativa di Ángel Vázquez. Testi e contesti”.



