The introductions of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics research articles written by Slovenes



This paper is divided into two parts. In the first one, we analyze the introductions of Linguistic and Applied Linguistic research articles written in Spanish by Slovene researchers, comparing them with those written in their mother tongue by Spanish and Slovene researchers. Following the precepts from intercultural rhetoric (Connor & Moreno 2005, Connor 2011), this investigation replicates a previous one (Heredero Zorzo, Pihler Ciglič & Santiago Alonso, 2017) and establishes the existing differences between these languages concerning rhetorical patterns of the model usually known as CARS (Swales, 1990, 2004). After that, having in mind the differences we found in our investigations, we propose a didactic model for working the writing of research articles introductions in the Spanish for academic purposes class based on Liebman (1988), Casanave (2004), Kubota & Lehner (2004), Walker (2011) and Morales (2014). In our application we emphasize the contrastive analysis of the genre, studying CARS model and the structures used to realize its different moves and steps, as well as the importance of collaborative work between pairs.



