El Curioso Impertinente or how to write novels according to Cervantes


  • Antonio Padua Andino Sánchez Consejería de Educación de Andalucía. Delegación de Educación de Granada. Universidad de Granada (España)


The purpose of this paper is to find out and describe both the doctrinal guidance and the ultimate meaning of the novel of El curioso impertinente, interspersed in the First Part of Quixote: how Cervantes understood the way of writing novels. The preceptistic sense of the first delivery of the work, centered on the thesis of theoretical and literary aspects typical of Mannerist classicism and in syntony with the exegetical works of Francisco de Herrera and El Brocense, is undoubtedly shown thoughtout this work in the role played by the authority of Aristotle and Ovid´s amatory work of. Everything, leading ideas and literary action, is a bookish creation, book also born from other books. The founder of the novel, who was admired by the 19th century realist writers, inspired himself and based his creations from the reading of different books. He also exposed his recipe to the world, his rules of narrative art, because “art” or “techné”, inherited from Antiquity, could not be wholy understood without them in his age.

Keywords: Cervantes, Aristotle, Ovid, novel, dialectic, amatory poetry, Greco-Latin literary sources

Author Biography

Antonio Padua Andino Sánchez, Consejería de Educación de Andalucía. Delegación de Educación de Granada. Universidad de Granada (España)


-Profesor de Secundaria en las materias de Latín (1983) y de Filosofía (1998), actualmente destinado en el IES Alba Longa de Armilla. Delegación de Granada. Consejería de Educación de Andalucía (España).

-Miembro del Grupo de Investigación” Espacio literario y formas de comunicación en Roma” de la Universidad de Granada (2004).

-Doctor en Lenguas Clásicas por la Universidad de Granada, con la Tesis Doctoral: "Las fuentes grecolatinas en el Quijote", dirigida por D. Andrés Pociña y Dª Aurora López, del Depto. de Latín del la UGR.


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