Pop images in the poetry of Luis Alberto de Cuenca
In this paper, we intent to delimit the dialogue between culturalism and the influences of the urban background, such as Pop Art, black cinema or comic strips, in the Poetics of Luis Alberto de Cuenca. The poet binds us to create a literary horizon, a network of connected references, which has an essence that resides in the incorporation of the reality exterior to both the poet and the reader into the text, thus paving the way for a creative reading in the sense of the literary phenomenology coined by the Geneva School. The intertextual thread can be noted throughout the works of Luis Alberto de Cuenca, and it is an element of the poet’s identity, inscribed in the poetry of the author in the manner of other writers such as Jaime Gil de Biedma, Jon Juaristi or Darío Villanueva names “palimpsestous writing”.