Spanish-American poetry in Serbia


  • Vesna Dickov Universidad de Belgrado


During the 20th century, an increased interest for the Hispano-American poetry in Serbia is particularly related to the period between 1961 and 1984, when a number of anthologies of different Hispano-American authors were published, most of them pertaining to contemporary literary movements (e.g., postmodernism, avant-garde, post avant-garde). In this period, eight anthologies were dedicated to the national poetries of Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Venezuela, with poems of various national poets. On the other hand, two anthologies were dedicated to Hispano- American poetry in general, with poems written by the most important Hispano-American poets. In this study, we intend to explore different spheres of interest produced by these anthologies, not only among the Serbian readers, but also among all the actors of their reception –translators, editors, editorials, etc. We do not pretend to offer a philological analysis of the poems gathered in the mentioned anthologies.

Author Biography

Vesna Dickov, Universidad de Belgrado

Vesna Dickov es profesora adjunta de literatura hispanoamericana y española en la Universidad de Belgrado, Facultad de Filología, en la cual, también se graduó y doctoró con la tesis Recepción de la literatura hispanoamericana en la región de habla serbia (1930-1995). Su campo de investigación aborda toda clase de relaciones entre las literaturas hispánicas y la serbia. Ha publicado varios estudios comparados sobre poesía hispanoamericana, tanto precolombina como contemporánea, además de trabajos sobre la recepción de escritores del siglo XX en Serbia. Se ha ocupado también de intercambios culturales entre países del mundo hispánico y Serbia.



