About the Journal

Colindancias is the result of a collaborative effort between professors of Spanish language and literature from Central European universities, who created the Regional Network of Hispanists from HungaryRomania and Serbia in 2009. A year later, they found an official platform thanks to the CEEPUS program. Since then, the network has expanded to include eleven countries and adopted the name Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central.

The main objective of the journal is to disseminate the scientific work of researchers-teachers from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and to integrate their research into the international circuit. The journal publishes research papers written in Spanish in this part of Europe, as well as articles written by authors from other countries.

The topics addressed are related to various fields of Hispanic studies, including literature, linguistics, didactics, history, etc. Works that have a comparative approach or that are capable of highlighting the relationships between the Hispanic space and that of Central and Eastern Europe are of special interest.

Over the years, the journal has added new sections, allowing for the inclusion of interviews with prominent Hispanic personalities related to Central Europe in some way or another, as well as reviews of recent editorial appearances in the field of research in Spanish.

The journal is published annually.

The journal is published by West University of Timișoara Publishing House and receives occasional support from the Spanish Embassy and the Via Romania Cultura association.