The poetic blazon: a variant of the ekphrasis in the Comedieta of Ponza



As auxiliary science to History, Heraldry is not founded, strictly speaking, until the late Middle Ages on the occasion of the strengthening of the language of blazon. Such an event has been recordedi n Little Comedy of Ponza by the Marquis of Santillana. We find three descriptions of coats of arms in its pages, emblazoned according to the heraldic code introduced by Jean Courtois in the early 15th century. However, by adapting the procedure itself to the literary context, Santillana contributed as herald poet to the emergence of a new ekphrastic genre: the poetic blazon. This article will try to locate the references for the nobility badges described in Little Comedy of Ponza and will discuss the ideological and political meaning within the coats of arms as well, in order to interpret them considering the period of upheaval in which the work is framed. In addition, we will analyse the nature of poetic blazon as a sort of ekphrasis and its status as an early manifestation of the doctrine utpicturapoesis, emphasizing how this poetic miniature reflects the stylistic ideals held by the author.

Author Biography

Adolfo Rodríguez Posada, Universidad de Bucarest

Rodríguez Posada, Adolfo es Magister Litterarum en MLitt en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada. Estudió Filología Inglesa e Hispánica en la Universidad de Vigo y obtuvo el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela con el trabajo de investigación Historia del tópico ut pictura poesis y su significado en Ardinghello und die glückseligen Inseln de Wilhelm Heinse (Santiago de Compostela, 2007). Ha publicado artículos y reseñas críticas en diferentes revistas académicas y volúmenes científicos. En la actualidad prepara la defensa de su tesis doctoral La imagen en la literatura: análisis crítico del tópico ut pictura poesis en la literatura aurisecular. Desde 2013 ocupa el puesto de Lector Maec-Aecid en la Universidad de Bucarest. 





